Code: 15149 A

Double Imagery

Double Imagery

TEHRAN – (Iranart)- B angladeshi painter Hasan Morshed has set up a solo exhibition of his watercolor paintings at Hepta Art Gallery.

Morshed’s solo is titled ‘Reality is Artificial, Artificial is Reality.’ Running through January 17, the exhibit shows 14 paintings on paper in which there is no distinct border between factual subjects and figments of imagination, reported.

“Different perspectives result in separate realities … I paint figurative images that are realistic in detail,” Morshed said in a statement.

As the artist put it, there is a double imagery in his works. When concentrating at the paintings the audience may well see a different image from what they noticed at first glance.

Hepta Gallery is at No. 3, Nikoudasht dead-end, Iranshahr Street, Karimkhan Avenue.


Hasan Morshed
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