Code: 16915 A

Books from world literature appear in Persian

Books from world literature appear in Persian

TEHRAN.(Iranart) – Three books from world literature have recently been published in Persian in Tehran.

The books are Swiss playwright and novelist Max Frisch’s “The Arsonists”, Russian writer Viktoria Tokareva’s “The Japanese Umbrella” and Swedish writer Fredrik Backman’s “The Deal of a Lifetime”.

Qasem Shafi Nurmohammadi is the translator of “The Arsonists”, which has been published by Jahan-e Ketab Publications.

The play is about fires that are becoming a problem, but Biedermann, believes nothing can get to him, so he happily fulfils his civic duty by giving shelter to two new houseguests.

Jahan-e Ketab is also the publisher of “The Japanese Umbrella”, which has been translated into Persian by Parviz Davai.

Like Chekhov, the writer whom she most admires and on whom she models herself, Tokareva likes to write about ordinary men and women and the vicissitudes of their day-to-day lives.

“The Deal of a Lifetime” has been translated into Persian by Farnaz Teimurazov and Chatrang is the publisher of the book.

In the book, a father tells his story of a Christmas Eve to his son.


The Arsonists The Japanese Umbrella The Deal of a Lifetime
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